Monday, February 21, 2011

How Are You Doing On Your Goals?

How many of you wrote down your goals on January 1st this year? Really, is that all? Did you evaluate them this month? If you don't know what your goals are, how are you going to measure whether you've reached them? And, I would bet that if you didn't write them down at all, you are close to the same position as you were on January 1.

Could it be time for a change of strategy? Maybe so, read on...

Take the most accurate marksman, the best in the world. I guarantee that I can do a better job of shooting than he/she first blindfold him/her and turn them around a few times. You might think, why that is ridiculous. How is he/she supposed to hit a target they cannot see? Here's a better question: How are YOU supposed to hit a target you can't see?

In order to rapidly succeed, you need to set goals. Here's one way to go about it.

Make sure your goal is something you really want, not something that just sounds good. People say they would like a yacht. But do you really? Many yacht owners joke that a yacht is a hole in the water in which you pour tons of money.

Be specific when writing your goals. Example of a wrong way: I want lots of money. Example of a right way: I want to be earning $5,000/month by one year from now.
Be very detailed. When the subconscious mind has detailed instructions, miracles happen.

Shoot for the moon, but, at the same time, be realistic. “I want to make $500,000 the first year will most likely take a miracle. Yet wanting to make six figures for the first time might be much more realistic.

Make your goal measurable. What gets measured gets done.

Write your goal down. This sets an unconscious process in motion to get your goal accomplished.

Write your goal in positive, not negative, terms. Write down what you want, not what you don't want. Wrong example: I want to leave my present job. Better example: I want to replace my current income so I can work from home. Also include a deadline for achieving your goals. This prevents procrastination. It also separates your goals from your dreams.

Having pictures of the things you will have or what good you can do with money helps. Use a scrap book with color pictures of cars, homes, vacations, churches, or your favorite charity.

Your goals should be action-oriented. What steps do you need to take to reach your goals? Break down your goal into manageable steps. With each activity, ask yourself: Does this activity take me closer to my goal?

Motivational CDs, played in your car on the way to work, can help dramatically.

Be prepared to review and restate your goals at least quarterly. As you reach a certain level re evaluate and move closer to your next goal.

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